The Chase: How to get him from start to finish (Audiobook)

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The Chase: How to get him from start to finish (Audiobook)

Sale Price:$15.00 Original Price:$20.00

Are you tired of your friends getting all the guys attention? Do you want to be the one getting the attention, the one attracting men and having good looking men flirting with you? Do you want to acquire the natural character traits, personality and magnetism which really attracts men? Do you want men to finally respect you for who you are and have a relationship that’s on YOUR TERMS?

This book is one of the most powerful and concise books on creating and maintaining attraction with a man to the point that he’ll desperately want to be with you and ONLY YOU.

It doesn’t matter if you barely know the guy, or if you’re co workers or if you’re dead in the friend zone, this book will show you EXACTLY how to turn any of those circumstances into relationships that are lasting and satisfying. Here’s what you’ll learn in this book. How to control your emotions, your perceptions and your ability to read men so that you’ll NEVER get fooled again or fall for the wrong guy. How to develop a reputation that will give you an aura of respect and naturally increase attraction in a man.

This will be your cornerstone to how a man filters you in his reality. How to set the relationship on your terms so that you’re not the one constantly in fear and in uncertainty about where you stand with him. How to get a guy to chase you through the hot and cold formula. It’s a simple two-step formula that you can use at any point of the relationship.

Master this fundamental principle and you’ll have a fingertip feel for flirting in the moment and keeping a man’s attention in the short and long run. The power of creating space and how to use it in every phase of a relationship. How to use your non verbal’s to make him chase. This is especially useful in conversation or when on a date. It’s a powerful way to get a man to get inside his head and get him chasing in unconscious ways. How to banter with a guy verbally and improve your conversation skills. This is specially useful if you were ever curious on how to be more witty, funny and above all, yourself while bantering. And much more! How to make a guy obsessively think of you after your interaction with a guy.

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